Legacy Luncheon | October 29

Please join us for our October Juke Fest as we reminisce to the music from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s featuring Bob Norman and friends. Be on the lookout, you never know who is waiting in the wings to jitterbug. Enjoy a fabulous lunch, fellowship, singing and yes, some dancing! Canterbury Hall  |  Noon  |  $5 Please RSVP...
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Book Club

Book Club is held on the 1st Monday of each month! (8/5-4/7) Join us from 11:30 AM-12:30 PM in Room M226 for great discussion and fellowship. To reserve a lunch ($12) please email Clare Mallette. REGISTER for Book Club, click here.

1st Grade Faith Milestone

Faith Milestones are a chance for the church to celebrate exactly who your child is right now and connect that to important parts of our faith practices here at church. We are so excited to see you and your 1st grader at our 1st grade milestone on Nov 17. We will be learning about baptism...
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November Legacy Luncheon

Please join us for a wonderful Thanksgiving lunch with Bishop Mike Watson. Learn practical ways to be grateful to God in the hard times, to be thankful for what we have, to look for ways to help and be there for one another all while embracing and meeting each other right where we are…in God’s hands.

Happyish Holidays

For all who find themselves in a tougher season in life during the holidays, you are invited to join us for a luncheon on Wednesday, November 20. Maybe grief, illness, divorce, or another challenge has you wondering how to approach the holidays. Rev. Monica Harbarger, Director of United Counseling, will be our special guest and she...
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Journey Retreat

(Registration is now closed.) The Journey Retreat is a weekend retreat for students in grades 7-12 for the 2024-2025 school year. It is an incredible weekend full of amazing worship, great talks, meaningful experiences, and a whole lot of fun!

Christmas Village Gift Collection

Samaritan Place Market: A Christmas Village | November 1-24 Canterbury, you have been so faithful over the years to provide new children's gifts to stock ASP's annual Christmas Village. This year's gift collection will be held from November 1-24. Shop for toys at your favorite local store or use the convenient Amazon Wish List. Financial...
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ASP Pickle & Pours Pickleball Tournament

On Sunday afternoon, November 24, 2024 Avondale Samaritan Place will host a fundraising event. The “Pickle & Pours” Pickleball Tournament will be held at Magic City Pickleball Club (1651 Independence Ct. Suite 111, Homewood, AL 35209 | 205.201.0242). By participating you will have lots of fun – and will also be feeding an underserved family...
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UMW December Coffee

All are invited to the UMW December Coffee on Monday, December 2 from 10:30-11:30 AM. Rachel Estes will be the guest speaker and, following the meeting, Community On The Rise and Thistle Farms will host a holiday pop-up shop featuring their Christmas items. Great shopping for gifts and stocking stuffers.

Carols & Cocoa

Let’s kickoff Christmas at Canterbury in the Chapel parking lot. A hot dinner will be served from 5-6 PM in Canterbury Hall and the event will begin outside at 6 PM. We will enjoy yummy hot chocolate, fire pits, fellowship and sing-along with the Contemporary Band. Invite a friend and bring your folding chairs!

YAC Christmas Party

We’re celebrating Christmas at YAC on Sunday, December 8! It’ll be a fun night filled with all of our favorite things. Check out YAC’s Instagram or Facebook for more details on the event. This will be our last MYF of the year, so make sure to join us!

Poinsettia Orders

Advent is just around the corner! It is time to place orders for poinsettias to beautify our worship spaces at Christmas. If you would like to order one to honor or remember a loved one, you may do so by filling out an order form located at the round desk. Each poinsettia is $25. The...
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