Baptism at Canterbury
In and through the sacramental act of Baptism, God continues His work of salvation by expressing and conveying His gift of prevenient grace and love to your child – now and forever. In the United Methodist Church, the sacrament of Baptism is about God’s ongoing presence and work throughout a believer’s life. Baptism is the beginning of the discipleship journey, not the end. While it is celebrated one day in the church, it is a gift throughout one’s life. When children are baptized, the parents and the church commit to sharing God’s love and grace so that our children might grow to be disciples of Jesus Christ.
What to Expect
The pastor will take your baby and sprinkle or pour water over him or her as a sign of the good things that are given and are yet promised. You will profess your faith and will promise to raise your child to live a Christian life. The church will respond with its faith and promises.
Scheduling a Baptism
Baptisms can be held in the New Traditions (8:15 AM), Traditional Worship (10:30 AM), and Contemporary Worship (10:30 AM). Baptisms are not scheduled on Christmas Eve, Easter Sunday or the first Sunday of the month due to Communion.
Contact Brittany Smith at 205.874.1521 or
Choose the date that works best for you.
Once the date has been chosen, you’ll fill out a form with information including the child’s name, date of birth, parents’ names, etc. This information is needed on the 15th of the month before the baptism.
Fill Out Baptism Information Form
More Information
To learn more about infant or adult baptism at Canterbury United Methodist Church, please download our baptism booklet.