Welcome to Kids@Canterbury

We are so glad you are here! We strive to be a place of real grace, real love, in the midst of real life. By partnering with parents, we seek to grow together in Christ, creating a faith that lasts through worship, study, and missions.

  • Safe Sanctuary

    As a church committed to providing a safe sanctuary for all children, the doors to the first and second floor of the Children’s building will require a key fob to enter. Those who do not have a key fob will need to go to the circle desk for admittance or call a member of the Children’s staff for assistance.

    We understand safety precautions are not the most hospitable and are an inconvenience, but keeping Kids@Canterbury safe is our priority. If you have not registered for a key fob, you may contact Eleanor Christiansen (eleanor.christiansen@canterburyumc.org) to receive one. Thank you for helping us ensure our children’s safety!

Sunday and Wednesday Information

  • Sunday Mornings

    SundayNursery Care & Sunday School

    Nursery care is offered during worship and the Sunday school hour for children ages 6 weeks through 4 years beginning at 8:15am on Sunday mornings. Nursery is open through the end of all worship services.
    *Kindergartners are promoted to worship and are no longer in nursery care.

    Sunday School:
    Nursery: 6 weeks-4 years (1st Floor)
    Preschool: 2K Sunday School (1st Floor)
    Preschool: 3K -4K (2nd Floor)
    Elementary: 5K-3rd Grade (2nd Floor)
    RISE: 4th-6th Grade (2nd Floor)

  • Wednesday Nights

    Wednesday6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

    All kids@Canterbury are invited to be a part of Wednesday nights! From 6-7 PM, there will be a choir/ministry combo for the following age groups.

    6-6:30 PM Choir
    6:30-7 PM Kids Ministry
    Please check your kids in at our new check in station by the library and walk them to our choir room (211) where they will be greeted by Ms Bella for 30 minutes of fun singing. At 6:30 they will pop over into our PreK activity room in room 209 for a short Bible story and craft or game.

    1st-3rd grades:
    6-6:30 PM Kids Ministry
    6:30-7 PM Choir
    Please check your kids in at our new check in station by the library and walk them to the 2nd and 3rd grade classroom (207) where they will talk about the Bible and play a game or do a craft together. Then at 6:30 they will move to the choir room (211) for fun singing with Ms Bella.

    RISE 4th-6th grades:
    6-7 PM Kids Ministry
    Please check your kids in at our new check in station by the library and walk them to the Rise room (previously Hallelujah Hall) for games, Bible study and community time.

Age Groups

  • Nursery and Playcare

    You have a new baby! Children’s Ministry at Canterbury begins at birth. Nursery is provided for children 6 weeks through 4 years of age for all regularly scheduled worship services. Our paid nursery staff are prepared to provide a nurturing environment for your child and are also trained in life-saving measures.

    Sunday Morning
    Grouped by age, your child will be cared for by loving nursery staff members. Nursery for other activities and church events provided by request. Canterbury uses a computer check-in system as part of our Safe Sanctuary Policy and can be found at the main entrance of the children’s building for Sunday morning nursery.

    Wednesday Night
    During the school year, the nursery is provided for Wednesday night activities from 5:15 to 7 PM for children two and under. A play area is available at the back of Canterbury Hall for ages 3K & up from 5:15-5:50 PM. Activities begin for 3K – 6th grade at 6:00 PM.

    Monday-Thursday | 9 AM-1 PM
    Need occasional, part-time care for your baby, toddler or preschooler? We welcome you to try PlayCare! We provide care for children of Canterbury members and members of our community. PlayCare provides a loving, caring and fun environment for children ages 6 weeks through 4 years of age.

    PlayCare is open year-round with the following exceptions: MLK Jr. Day, Presidents Day, MBCS Spring Break week, Easter Monday, Memorial week, Vacation Bible Camp week, Juneteenth Day, July 4th, Labor Day week, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, and the week between Christmas and New Years.

    For more information or to make a reservation, contact Selena Pitsch  (selena.pitsch@canterburyumc.org). We recommend that you make reservations at least 24 hours in advance, but we will do all we can to accommodate short-notice reservations. Cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance or you will be billed for your child’s reserved space.

    Playcare Payments
  • Preschool Ministry

    Preschool ministry is for 2K, 3K, 4K children. We teach children they are loved by God and their church family, the Bible is an important book, prayer is how we talk to God and the importance of serving others is pleasing to God. Sunday school classes are led by dedicated volunteers and staff members. We would love the opportunity to be in ministry with your child and hope to welcome your family into our community of faith.

    Sunday Mornings
    2K – 4K | 9:15-10:15 AM

    Sunday School classes meet on the first and second level of the Children’s Building.

  • Elementary Ministry

    Elementary ministry at Canterbury is for kindergarten through 6th-grade children. In elementary ministry, we welcome, engage, and teach your child about the love and grace freely given by God. Our Sunday morning includes large group fellowship followed by small group Sunday school classes led by dedicated volunteers and staff members. We would love to come alongside your elementary student in ministry and to welcome your family into our community of faith at Canterbury.

    Sunday Mornings
    9:15-10:15 AM

    Sunday School classes meet on the second level of the Children’s Building.

  • RISE Ministry

    Kids@Canterbury understands the transition from Elementary School to Junior High can be challenging. We believe 4th, 5th & 6th graders benefit from learning and having fun separately from our Elementary age children. RISE Ministry allows them their own space, their own programs, and their own director to form stronger bonds before they enter Junior High.

    Sunday Mornings
    Sunday School meets from 9:15-10:15 AM each Sunday morning.

    Wednesday Nights
    6:00-7:00 PM
    RISE students enjoy 15-20 minutes of fellowship time and then move to their Bible study time.



  • 5K Faith Milestone

    September 8 | 9:15 AM

    Faith Milestones are a chance for Canterbury to celebrate exactly who your child is right now and connect that to important parts of our faith practices here at church. We are excited to see you and your Kindergartner at our 5K Milestone “I Can Go to Worship” on September 8. We will be learning all about worship, including a scavenger hunt in our worship spaces! Please RSVP so that we will be prepared with materials for your family.

    Register Here
  • All kids@Canterbury are invited to be a part of Wednesday nights! From 6-7 PM, there will be a choir/ministry combo for the following age groups. Questions? Please email Eleanor Christiansen at eleanor.chrisitiansen@canterburyumc.org.

    6-6:30 PM Choir
    6:30-7 PM Kids Ministry

    1st-3rd grades
    6-6:30 PM Kids Ministry
    6:30-7 PM Choir

    RISE 4th-6th grades
    6-7 PM Kids Ministry

    Register Here
  • RISE Fall Connect Retreat

    September 20-21 Camp Sumatanga

    Our first RISE retreat for 4th-6th grades will be held on September 20-21, in conjunction with Asbury UMC and Grace UMC. This will be a super fun fall weekend at Camp Sumatanga.

  • 4th Grade Faith Milestone

    October 20 | 9:15 AM

    Faith Milestones are a chance for the church to celebrate exactly who your child is right now and connect that to important parts of our faith practices here at church. We are so excited to see you and your 4th grader at our 4th grade milestone on Oct 20. We will be learning about how our faith pushes us out into the world to serve others. Please RSVP so that we will be prepared with materials for your family.

    Register Here
  • 1st Grade Faith Milestone

    November 17 | 9:15 AM

    Faith Milestones are a chance for the church to celebrate exactly who your child is right now and connect that to important parts of our faith practices here at church. We are so excited to see you and your 1st grader at our 1st grade milestone on Nov 17. We will be learning about baptism and how it teaches us who we are in God’s eyes. Please RSVP so that we will be prepared with materials for your family.

    Register Here
  • Baby’s First Milestone

    December 15 | 9:15 AM

    Faith Milestones are a chance for the church to celebrate exactly who your child is right now and connect that to important parts of our faith practices here at church. We are so excited to see you and your baby at our 1st milestone for them on Dec 15. We will be learning about how you can start thinking about what daily faith practices you’d like to establish in your home and will make a special handprint ornament to remember this sacred time you are experiencing with your little one. We will have a space devoted to letting our littles roam about and play while we talk! Please RSVP so that we will be prepared with materials for your family.

    Register Here

Children’s Choir

  • More about Children’s Choir

    Choir is available for children 3K through 3rd grade. The choirs meet during Wednesday night activities and have opportunities to sing as a group during Sunday morning services.

  • Children’s Choir 3K-5K


    Children ages 3K, 4K and 5K will learn songs in unison, play with age-appropriate instruments, and are encouraged to fully engage with music in a warm and creative environment.

  • Children’s Choir 1st-3rd Grade

    1st-3rd Grade

    Children in 1st-3rd grade learn songs with simple harmonies, are given instruction in music fundamentals and learn to work together as a choir.

Highlight Videos

Stay In Touch

Eleanor Christiansen

Director of Children’s Ministries

Selena Pitsch

Children’s Nursery Director

Social Media

We post frequently to both our Instagram and Facebook pages, and we would love for you to follow along! You’ll find pictures from events, news about upcoming events, and more on these pages.