Guest Speaker | January 28 | 2-4 PM
Canterbury Center
Free Event. Open to the public.
What does it look like to raise boys with emotional strength? Young men who have the skills and resources to navigate all the moments of life – from the first day of school to conflict with friends, losing games and struggling with homework, facing challenges, and developing resilience. This session will equip you to help boys develop three foundational ingredients for emotional health, known as the 3 R’s. You will walk away with questions to ask the kids in your life, practical ideas and intentional practices for building emotional strength in your family. We hope you’ll plan to join us, let us know you are coming by registering below.
For more info on David Thomas, visit: raisingboysandgirls.com
Free childcare is available for children ages 6 weeks through 4th grade from 2-4 PM. Please email Selena Pitsch at selena.pitsch@canterburyumc.org to reserve your spot(s).