
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and is a 40-day time of prayer, relection and preparation for Easter. It’s a time to remember the events leading up to Jesus’ death and to seek to follow him more closely. We hope you will join us on March 5 for one of our Ash Wednesday opportunities listed below.


Morning Ashes | 7-8:30 AM  |  Chapel
DRIVE THROUGH on your morning commute or after carpool drop off to receive your ashes and a special blessing from one of our pastors.

Noon Blues Service | 12 PM  |  Chapel
New this season! This very unique service will combine the solemnity and reflection of Ash Wednesday with the soulful and contemplative tones of blues music.

Evening Service of Ashes | 6 PM  |  Sanctuary
Join us as we mark the beginning of the Lenten season with this traditional evening service that promises to be both spiritually enriching and musically inspiring. 

Dinner will be served on Wednesday, March 5 from 5-6 PM in Canterbury Hall.

SHATTERED | Sermon Series

Our Lenten series, SHATTERED, asks us to consider: What in our lives needs to be broken apart so that God’s transformative work can begin? Jesus shatters the systems and assumptions that trap us in narrow ways of thinking, freeing us to live more fully in alignment with God’s love and grace. This series invites us to examine what we hold on to too tightly, let go of what no longer serves us, and embrace the life-giving renewal that comes from stepping into God’s bigger, bolder dream for our lives.

March 9  |  Luke 4:1-13 Breaking Free From Ties

March 16  |  Luke 18:18-27 Redefining Dreams

March 23  |  Matthew 23:23-24 Reflecting on Identity

March 30  |  Matthew 16:1-20 Rethinking Fairness

April 6  |  Mark 3:31-35 Expanding Family

April 13  |  Palm Sunday Shattering Expectations

Easter Outreach Opportunities

EASTER BASKETS – Help make Easter happy for over 250 local children! This year our Outreach Easter Basket project will benefit kids at Children’s Harbor, Avondale Samaritan Place and King’s Home. Pick up an empty basket on Sunday, March 23 complete with instructions and a shopping list. Return your basket filled with Easter goodies by or before Sunday, April 13.

MOR EASTER OFFERING – The Mission Outreach United Appeal Fund Easter Offering benefits vital
ministries at Canterbury. This year your gifts will directly benefit:
  Avondale Samaritan Place’s Use Your Noodle Program

  Canterbury UMC Beeson Social Work Assistance Fund

  Canterbury UMC Direct Assistance

Consider making a prayerful and generous gift to this special Easter Offering. Watch your mailbox for a detailed letter and a return giving card. You may bring your gift to worship on Easter Sunday or mail it to the church office at 350 Overbrook Road, Mountain Brook, AL 35213. Make your check payable to Mission Outreach United Appeal Fund.

Holy Week Services

Palm Sunday, April 13
•  5 PM  |  Sanctuary
Lester Seigel, conductor & Millicent Hawthorne, organ

Canterbury Choir presents ‘The Winchester Service.’ It was composed in 2022 by Australian composer Joseph Twist for Winchester Cathedral in the UK. It includes beautiful and haunting settings that all will enjoy.

April 14, 15 & 16
Noon Services & Lunch
•  12 PM  |  Chapel

Join us during Holy Week at 12 Noon Monday through Wednesday in the Chapel for a time of reflection and worship. Each day will feature a different guest speaker. Lunches will be available for purchase and served in the parlor immediately following each service.

April 17
Maundy Thursday SERVICES
•  12 PM  |  Chapel
•  6 PM  |  Canterbury Hall – New this year!

Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper as described in the Gospel of Luke. You are invited to join us at either service offered to partake in this special time of remembrance. The 6 PM service will be a participatory experience and will be held in Canterbury Hall.

April 18
Good Friday SERVICES
• 12 PM  |  Chapel
• 6 PM  |  Canterbury Center

On Good Friday, we remember the day that Jesus willingly suffered and died on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Easter follows – a glorious celebration of the day Jesus was raised from the dead. Two services will be held on April 18. A noon time traditional Good Friday service in the Chapel, and a moving and powerful service of darkness led by our Contemporary Worship team at 6 PM in Canterbury Center.

Easter at Canterbury

April 20
Sanctuary Worship
• 8:15 & 10:30 AM | Sanctuary

Contemporary Worship
• 8:15 & 10:30 AM | Canterbury Center